Elem. Winter Weather Clothing Reminder
Winter showed up today! Please send winter gear with elementary students until further notice. If your family needs assistance providing your student with a coat or jacket, please contact your child’s teacher or Nurse Joan Krull. Salem Clothes Closet also has a supply of gear and is open on Mondays from 2:00-4:30 PM. Items at the clothes closet are free … Read More
Ticketing Link from Bound
Here is the ticketing link from Bound. This can be used to purchase online tickets for upcoming sporting events. https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/lakemills/tickets
Bulldog Pantry
Here is the link to the Bulldog Pantry. Food will be available to pick up weekly on Thursdays. Questions can be directed to Joan Krull at jkrull@lake-mills.org