Meet our Lake Mills Community School administrative team!
Connor Kem
Elementary Principal & Equity Coordinator

Educational background:
- B.A. in Health and Physical Education from the University of Northern Iowa, 2015
- M.A. in Educational Leadership, PK-12 Principal/PK-12 Special Education Supervisor, 2020
Experience in Education:
- 1 year in Stanton, Iowa as K-12 Physical Education, High School Health, and 6th grade World History, 2015
- 4 years in Oskaloosa, Iowa as K-5 Physical Education, 2016-2020
- Elementary Principal and Equity Coordinator in Lake Mills, Iowa from 2020 to present
Steve Madson
Secondary Principal

Educational background:
- B.A. in Biology, minor in Chemistry from UNI, 1994
- M.A. in Educational Administration, Tarleton State University, TX, 2003
Experience in Education:
- Principal for 4 years at Rio Vista ISD, Rio Vista, TX
- Assistant Superintendent for 4 years at Rio Vista ISD, Rio Vista, TX
- Interim Superintendent for 1 year at Rio Vista ISD, Rio Vista, TX
- Principal for 10 years at Hampton-Dumont CSD, Hampton, IA
- Director of Alternative Education Program at Hampton-Dumont CSD, 1 year
- K-12 Assistant Principal for 1 year at North Iowa CSD, Buffalo Center, IA
- Secondary Principal at Lake Mills Community School District from 2023 to present
Chris Rogne

Educational Background:
- A.A. degree from Waldorf College
- B.A. degree from Wartburg College
- M.S. degree from Drake University
- Superintendent Endorsement from University of Northern Iowa
Experience in Education:
- K-6 Physical Education Teacher at Clarke CSD Jan-May 2002
- 5-12 Physical Education Instructor at Ventura 2002-2007
- 9-12 Alternative Education Instructor at West Fork 2007-2013
- 6-8 Technology Teacher/Building Tech Coordinator at West Fork 2012-2013
- Athletic Director at Ventura Jr./Sr. High School 2003-2007
- Activities Director at West Fork Middle School 2008-2015
- PK-8 Principal at Rockwell 2013-2015
- 7-12 Principal at Crestwood Secondary School 2015-2022
- Superintendent at Lake Mills Community Schools 2022-Present